Back Pain Relief With Pilates

If you have back pain you are not alone. You’ve probably tried a lot of things hoping for relief. There are many ways to deal with back pain but I’ve found Pilates to be the most effective option. Especially if you want to keep pain away for a long period of time. 

Pilates can help you learn to move your body in a better way so you can move through life without pain. This is not a quick fix but a long term solution. If you think about running a marathon you probably can’t just go out and run 26.2 miles without any preparation. You have to learn to run. You have to build up your stamina and cross train. You have to stretch after running. You have to run a 5K, then a 10K and a half before reaching that final milestone. That process takes time. Pilates takes time too. And I think it’s more fun.

Johnny came to Pilates wanting to solve his back pain issues. His pain was debilitating and kept him from enjoying his Disney vacations with his family as well as interrupting his normal life. He wanted a better quality of life. He wanted to go to Disney and not devote a few days to being left behind in the hotel in pain.

We started with the goal of finding balance and awareness in his body. We focused on the basics and building up to the full exercise over time. If the goal of the Roll Up was to sit up unassisted we worked on lifting the upper body only. As he progressed and had no issues sitting, he learned to roll his upper body back a little. He worked up to the full Roll Up with no assistance.

I communicated with Johnny about my goals for him and what he was working toward. He communicated what was happening in his body so we could adjust as needed. We worked together as a team. Consistent practice helped him achieve the results. He developed strength in his core to protect his back. He has a lot less pain. If he does have pain, he says that it’s nothing compared to what it once was and it does not last as long.

Johnny is now able to enjoy more of the things he loves with his family. He loves going to Disney World and now his trips are more about having fun and less about worrying about and recovery from pain. He uses his tools he’s learned when on the verge of pain to avoid it and keep having fun instead.

If you have back pain I believe you can overcome it. Pilates will help you get stronger than you could ever imagine and feel better in your body. If you would like your own customized plan to get stronger and overcome back pain you can schedule a virtual Pilates session here. No Pilates equipment necessary!