How to Make Manageable Changes

This week I asked in my Sunday Instagram post to fill in the blank for this statement: I can let change be a ________ part of my life. Essential, positive, driving, learning, great and exciting were the awesome responses. I have reframed my response to change. My answer is welcome. I decided last year, on a day with a lot of huge changes, that I had to be more open to what life has to offer. I spent less time trying to force things and more time being open to the possibilities that were often better than I could have imagined.

I started off with small changes. Just like in Pilates, I worked on quality rather than quantity. I asked myself what needed addressing first. I needed to change my attitude. That was something I could choose to adjust. I then asked myself what tools I already had access to in order to support making that change. If something did not go the way I planned, I did my best to appreciate what did happen. To support this change, I went back to habits that worked for me in the past. Meditation was the first habit I started again. That helped me improve my attitude even more. Getting back into the habit of doing something just for me, helped me to make more positive changes.

I gave myself time. I let myself adjust. I did not rush through it. I set myself up with routines and rituals that supported these changes. I got to work a little earlier to meditate. I reminded myself to breathe when faced with stress. I did not spend any money to make these changes. I did not devote a ton of extra time to it. I let positive change be a possibility.

I made small manageable changes. I gave myself time to get used to the changes instead of overwhelming myself with a long list of huge tasks. When it came time to work on more substantial changes, I was ready.

Change does not have to be drastic to have value or make a difference in your life. If you are ready to make some changes ask yourself a couple questions. It might be helpful to process these questions by writing in your journal, talking to a therapist or a trusted friend.

  1. What do you need to address first?
  2. What tools do you already have access to in order to support the thing that needs addressing first?